Chocolate Cyst Treatment to Improve Fertility in Women
Chocolate Cysts are flue-filled sacs that form on ovaries and are also known as endometriomas. They were named chocolate cysts because of their dark chocolate-like appearance. This fluid is the old blood that has accumulated within the ovaries. In this condition, tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, typically on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissues lining the pelvis.
Below are some of the characteristics of chocolate cyst for better understanding:
- Fluid-filled sacs: These are sacs filled with dark, old blood giving like chocolate-like appearance when viewed during surgery.
- Location: Cyst typically develops on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or sometimes tissue lining the pelvis.
- Size: The size of the chocolate cysts may vary. It can either be large small or even medium.
- Symptoms: Women having chocolate cysts may experience extreme pelvic pain, irregular menstrual cycle, pain during sexual intercourse, central cramps, and harm to the digestive system.
How does it happen?
During the menstrual cycle, these cysts get filled with blood, causing them to expand and potentially leading to symptoms such as pelvic pain, menstrual cramps, painful intercourse, irregular menstrual cycles, and infertility. Chocolate cysts are not cancerous they only cause discomfort and can affect a woman’s fertility. Proper medication and treatment can control this and can help in preserving women’s reproductive health.
How does Chocolate Cyst impact fertility?
Chocolate cysts mainly cause discomfort and lead to infertility in the woman. Following are the ways where chocolate cysts can impact infertility:
- Disturbance in Ovarian Function: Chocolate cysts can disturb normal ovarian function by interfering with and affecting the release of eggs also known as ovulation. If the cysts develop on or near the ovaries, then they can obstruct the release of eggs during the menstrual cycle leading to ovulatory dysfunctions.
- Distortion of Ovarian Anatomy: Large-sized chocolate cysts can distort the normal anatomy of the ovaries. Here, because of the distortion of the structure of the ovaries, the ability to produce healthy eggs and the quality of eggs released can be impacted.
- Adhesions and Scarring: Over time if the chocolate cysts do not get timely attention and diagnosis then it can lead to the formation of scar tissue in the pelvic cavity. This adhesion may cause organs to stick together which can lead to pelvic pain and potentially block the fallopian tubes. Blacked fallopian tubes will not allow the egg to meet the sperm for fertilization which will as a a result cause infertility.
- Inflammation and Hormonal imbalance: The presence of chocolate cysts can cause inflammation in the pelvic region and disturb hormonal imbalance Hormonal imbalance causes an irregular menstrual cycle making it difficult for the women to conceive.
What are the Causes of Chocolate Cysts?
As mentioned the primary cause of chocolate cysts is endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the uterus lining grows outside the uterus, mainly on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic tubes.
Although the exact cause of endometriosis has been still not discovered, some factors may contribute to its development.
- Retrograde Menstruation: In this situation, some of the menstrual blood contains endometriosis cells that flow backward to the fallopian tube into the pelvic cavity rather than exiting outside the body. These endometrial cells when entering the pelvic organ can lead to end endometriosis and the development of chocolate cysts
- Immune System Dysfunction: dysfunction in the immune system may allow the endometrial cells to implant in the abnormal locations of the pelvic cavity leading to endometriosis and the formation of chocolate cyst
- Genetic Predisposition: Endometriosis can also occur due to genetic reasons. Certain genetic factors may increase the risk of chocolate cysts.
- Environmental factors: Chocolate cysts may also develop through exposure to certain environmental toxins and chemical cysts.
What are the symptoms and warning signs of Chocolate Cysts?
There can be various symptoms that you can discover by yourself whether you are suffering from endometriosis or not, but if you are still in dilemma and want a quick consultation then you can a female infertility center in Lucknow where Valencia IVF is one of them. We are eager to help you out with all your questions and queries regarding the treatment and the procedure.
Below are some of the symptoms seen in individuals suffering from endometriosis
- Pelvic Pain
- Painful Menstruation (Dysmenorrhea)
- Pain during Intercourse (Dyspareunia)
- Irregular Menstrual Cycle
- Difficulty in getting pregnant (Infertility)
- Bloating and Digestive System
- Urinary Symptoms
Medical Treatment for Chocolate Cysts
There are various medical treatments for chocolate cysts, which aim to alleviate symptoms and preserve fertility. Some are mentioned below:
- Surgical Options: There are two types of surgical options that the doctor can go for:
- Laparoscopy Cystectomy: The main agenda of this surgery is to remove the chocolate cysts from the body and preserve the ovarian tissue,
In this procedure, small incisions are made in the abdomen, through which a laparoscope (a thing tue with a camera and light source) is inserted to see the ovaries and the surrounding structures.
After carefully examining the cysts it is carefully dissected and removed without damaging the ovarian tissue
- Ovarian Drilling: This is a procedure performed during laparoscopy to treat ovarian cysts and restore ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Here small holes are made in the surface of ovaries using laser or electrocautery. Ovarian drilling is mainly used for PCOS but it can also be used for women who have associated ovulatory dystrophy.
- Hormonal Therapies: Another medical treatment used to cure chocolate cysts can be hormonal therapies. Hormonal Therapies include:
- Birth control pills: Birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin which can regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce symptoms like irregular menstrual cycle, acne, etc.
Natural Remedies for Chocolate Cysts
Many people trust natural remedies as same as they trust medication. For those individuals below are some of the natural remedies to decrease the effect of chocolate cysts. But, it is always advised not to become your doctor rather visit any female infertility doctor in Lucknow who can support, consult, and advise you accordingly. Valencia IVF consists of the best and most trained female infertility doctors who are eager to help you in your journey.
Below are some of the natural remedies that you may try after the doctor’s consultation:
- Dietary adjustments: the individual needs to maintain her diet by eating a properly balanced diet rich in iron, protein, calcium, etc.
- Anti-inflammatory food: start eating anti-inflammatory food such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. As they help in reducing the inflammation caused by menstrual pain and endometriosis.
- Stay Hydrated: Drinking 8 liters of water is essential for everyone, not just for patients suffering from any disease. Drinking plenty of water can help remove the toxins and bacteria from the body giving you relief from bloating during menstruation.
Chocolate cysts can be cured with proper treatment, medication, or surgery. It is not cancerous, but it causes discomfort and infertility. If you are facing problems in conceiving then visit your doctor and confirm the cause of your infertility.