How PCOS Affects Fertility and Reproductive Health?
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder that leads to hormonal imbalances in women. During this disorder, ovaries don’t always release an egg at the end of the menstrual cycle which leads to difficulty in getting pregnant. Common symptoms of PCOS are abnormal hair growth on the face, increased skin tags, chest, or back, irregular periods, ovarian cysts, weight gain, thinning of hair on the head, acne, darkening of the skin, and infertility. Let’s understand how PCOS affects fertility and reproductive health.
Is PCOS Responsible for Female Infertility?
Infertility in women may take place due to ovulation issues. Most women face ovulation problems and this takes place when there is an increase in testosterone production. Hormonal imbalances also occur in your body due to PCOS which prevents the lining of the uterus from developing properly to allow for implantation of the mature eggs. Unpredictable menstrual cycles and when your body is unable to manage PCOS symptoms then it also increases the chances of infertility in women.
Are there any Causes of PCOS?
According to research, there is no such cause of PCOS. Insulin resistance, excess androgen, low-grade inflammation, and others could be the cause of PCOS. Insulin is a hormone that the pancreas makes. It allows cells to use sugar as their body’s primary energy supply. If cells become resistant to insulin, then blood sugar levels increase.
Too much insulin lowers the blood sugar level and makes too much androgen hormone in your body. That’s why symptoms like facial hair, velvety patches of skin on the lower part of your neck, under your breasts area, and other parts take place. While facing such complications you can visit the Infertility Female Center in Lucknow to understand the reproductive issues you might have due to PCOS.
When your white blood cells make substances in response to infection or injury, this response is called low-grade inflammation. As per research, people with PCOS have a type of low-grade inflammation that leads to polycystic ovaries producing androgens. This can lead to heart and blood vessel problems. Having a family history of PCOS may also increase the chances of ovulation issues. During PCOS ovaries produce high levels of androgen hormone and eggs don’t develop properly which results in infertility.
How does PCOS affect your Reproductive Health?
You might feel amazed to know that around 5-13% of women who are their reproductive age face PCOS. PCOS impacts your fertility due to hormonal imbalance which leads to high levels of androgen hormone, the formation of follicles in ovaries, thickening of the outer shell of ovaries, and high levels of insulin in your blood.
Sometimes, women with PCOS also face an increment in their weight and it impacts their reproductive health. An increase in weight also leads to an increased risk of health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and other issues. Managing weight and insulin levels through lifestyle changes can help reduce these risks.
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What are the Treatments for PCOS?
To treat PCOS you can manage its symptoms by making a few changes in your lifestyle. With your lifestyle changes and by considering the advice and medications of a doctor you can successfully manage symptoms of PCOS. Well, if you are not getting relief through medication then laparoscopic ovarian drilling is also an option for you. PCOS can thicken the outer shell of the ovaries and create issues in ovulation.
During this process, a laparoscope is used to view the internal organs of your body and a laser or fine needle will be inserted to make a few holes on the surface of the ovary. This generally restores ovulation for 6 to 8 months. If you have been trying to conceive for many months you can consult an infertility specialist or undergo the treatment in IVF Clinic in Lucknow.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is faced by many women in our society which leads to hormonal imbalances. It takes place when your ovaries don’t always release an egg at the end of the menstrual cycle and it is also the reason behind infertility. Low-grade inflammation, higher levels of androgen hormone, and more may be the causes behind PCOS. Weight also increases due to PCOS which impacts your reproductive health. You may face an increased risk of health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and other issues. Managing weight through lifestyle changes can reduce the symptoms of PCOS.