Why Urine Color Changes to Yellowish During Pregnancy?
Is your urine looking darker these days? You might be thinking why it is happening and what is the reason behind it. Worry not because we are here to tell you about it. Urine is a waste material and it is made up of water, salts, urea, and other dissolved wastes. The color of your urine depends on how much water you drink, the foods you eat, and your medications. But during pregnancy, your urine color appears yellowish and we are here to tell you the reason behind it.
What does Yellowish Color Urine Indicate?
The yellowish color of urine reveals your health condition. If you are not drinking enough water then your urine appear yellow. It could also be a sign of any medical condition or disease. A change in diet also affects the yellow color of your urine. Darker urine is common when your urine is more concentrated. It could also appear yellow when you first pee during morning because it is more concentrated.
Reasons behind the Yellowish Colour of Urine during Pregnancy
During the second trimester of pregnancy, your urine appears yellow because of hormonal fluctuations and excess urine production. Because of these changes, urine color can become darker or more yellow. In the second trimester, the urine color can also become darker or more yellow due to medications. Vitamins, iron supplements, or other medicines are also responsible for the deep yellow color of urine during pregnancy. High iron supplements can also increase the chances of reddish brown urine color. It is necessary to take advice from an experienced gynaecologist in Lucknow before considering any medications.
If a woman is pregnant and facing certain kidney disease then it can cause dark brown or blackish colored urine. Urinary tract infections and bladder stones can result in foul-smelling urine. Eating too much urine can result in dark-colored or brownish urine, it is due to increased bilirubin in the body. Drinking lots of coffee during pregnancy can also make your urine yellowish or brown. Whereas if you are missing your proper diet during pregnancy then your body does not get enough carbohydrates which makes your urine darker and foamy in colour. Missing meals lead to dark yellowish urine color.
Changes in Urine Colour During Early Pregnancy
A Slight change in urine color is common during pregnancy but if the color appears different and you are experiencing significant changes in your urine then it can be a sign of concern.
The dark yellow color of urine during pregnancy means your body is dehydrated. In such conditions, you should drink enough water throughout the day. Consult with your doctor if urine appears dark yellowish for more than a few days. Orange urine color could be a sign of urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Infertile women may also face orange urine color during their pregnancy. In such conditions, the Best Infertility Doctor in Lucknow can provide the right medical attention. Foamy urine during pregnancy can be a sign of pre-eclampsia or proteinuria whereas milky urine during pregnancy can be the symptom of infection in your bladder or kidneys.
Normal changes in urine can be yellow to darker amber during pregnancy but it should not be too dark or light with foul smell. Red, orange, green, and other colors of urine can be the signs of complications during pregnancy. It is necessary to connect with your gynecologist whenever you face such a condition.
Is it Normal to have Blood in Urine during Pregnancy?
Blood in urine is not common and it can be due to kidney stones, urinary tract infections, or any other disease. It could be a sign of serious health conditions, that’s why it is necessary to undergo tests during your pregnancy when you face such a condition.
How to clear up dark urine during Pregnancy?
It is necessary to hydrate during pregnancy because water helps in removing toxins from your body. Carrying a water bottle can be a good choice during pregnancy. You can also drink sparkling water or coconut water. Avoid drinking packed fruit juice during pregnancy because it contains preservatives that affect the growth of your baby. You should avoid drinking unpasteurized fruit juices or vegetable juices because they contain harmful bacteria that may cause food poisoning during pregnancy.
Urine plays an important role in determining the health of a pregnant woman and her developing baby. If you are noticing unexpected color changes in your urine during pregnancy then you can connect with your gynecologist for test and diagnosis. Normal changes in urine can be yellow to darker amber during the second trimester of pregnancy. If you are not well hydrated during pregnancy then you might face a darker yellowish colour of urine.