Hysteroscopy: Procedure, Risks & Recovery
Hysteroscopy is a medical process that is used to diagnose and treat problems in the uterus. With the help of hysteroscopy, abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal endometrial thickness, infertility, bleeding after menopause, and other issues could be treated. During hysteroscopy, a step of the procedure is followed by the specialist. Let’s understand that what are the steps of the hysteroscopy process, the risks, and the recovery period.
What are the Steps of the Hysteroscopy Process?
There are some steps in the hysteroscopy process. The first step is sedative medication given to the patient to relax her before the surgery. Then surgery may be carried out with either general or local anesthesia. Then your doctor may insert medications into the cervix to dilate and open it. It is done to facilitate the process, then the doctor opens the cervix with a device called a speculum.
Then the doctor inserts the hysteroscope through the vaginal opening and then the cervix came into the uterus. The doctor then passes a liquid or carbon dioxide gas into the uterus to clear the inner surface and widen it slightly.
The light and camera at the end of the hysteroscope allow the doctor to determine the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. Then after diagnosis, another surgical procedure is performed related to the issue. With the help of a Female infertility doctor in Lucknow, hysteroscopy treatment can become easier for you. With the personalized approach of an infertility doctor, your parenthood journey can improve.
What are the Types of Hysteroscopy?
There are two types of hysteroscopy. First is a Diagnostic hysteroscopy. This identifies structural irregularities in your uterus that may be causing abnormal bleeding.
Another is operative hysteroscopy which means treating an abnormality detected during a diagnostic hysteroscopy. During operative hysteroscopy, your surgeon uses a device to remove abnormalities that may be causing abnormal uterine bleeding. Your doctor may perform a diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy at the same time, avoiding the need for a second surgery.
What is the Need for Hysteroscopy Process?
You may need a hysteroscopy process if your pap test results are abnormal if you are bleeding after menopause if you have faced more than one miscarriage, infertility, fibroids, polyps, adhesions, IUD, to open blocked fallopian tubes, to place birth control implants and more.
What are the Benefits of the Hysteroscopy process?
It helps in treating conditions with a single surgery and with minimum invasion. It also allows your doctor to remove abnormalities without affecting or damaging the surrounding tissue. If you want to conceive a baby then after hysteroscopy, you have to wait for a few weeks before undergoing the IVF process. Under the advanced services of the Best IVF Center in Lucknow, you can successfully conceive a baby. Keep in mind that you should not have a hysteroscopy if you are pregnant or have a pelvic infection.
What are the Risks of the Hysteroscopy Process?
This process is considered a safe process but some of the risks that are related to the hysteroscopy process are heavy bleeding, infection which is an uncommon risk after operative hysteroscopy, anesthesia complications, air embolism, uterine perforation, and damage to the cervix. These risks are only faced by 1% of the cases.
Is the Hysteroscopy process painful?
A hysteroscopy can be painful for some women but it might be painless for others. Well, it also depends on the individual who undergoes this process. Your pain level also depends on whether you are stressed before the process if you have ever given birth, the time of the process, and more. The doctor provides anesthesia and other medications to keep you calm.
What is the cost of the Hysteroscopy Process?
The cost of hysteroscopy can be up to 40,000 in India and it also depends on the services provided at the center. Most health insurances cover hysteroscopy costs, additional charges may vary and this might be possible that you pay less for a diagnostic hysteroscopy than an operative hysteroscopy. Discuss the cost from the healthcare team of center before your treatment to avoid any confusion after the process.
What is the Period of Recovery after Hysteroscopy?
After the hysteroscopy process, you might be kept under observation by your doctor. You may face cramps and light bleeding after this process. After a hysteroscopy, you will recover after one or two days and can perform your daily activities. Women recovering from hysteroscopy are advised to avoid intercourse or inserting any object in their vagina for at least two weeks.
Also Read – Hydrosalpinx: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Hysteroscopy helps in treating abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal endometrial thickness, infertility, and other issues. Before undergoing this process you have to understand this process from your infertility specialist in Lucknow to improve the success rate of a procedure.