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Dr. Varada Arora is currently practicing as a Gynaecologist and Infertility Specialist in Valencia IVF Center. Valencia IVF Center is one of the premier Fertility Clinics located in Lucknow. 

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Pre-Pregnancy Tests to Consider Before Conceiving

Pre-Pregnancy Tests to Consider Before Conceiving

Pre-pregnancy tests are pivotal in ensuring a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey. All the women planning to be moms need to understand the importance of these tests so that they don’t forget to take them. These tests are important because they help identify any underlying health issues or risk factors that could affect conception or pregnancy. 

If these issues are identified before, then it becomes easy for doctors to cure and diagnose them. Doctors can take proactive steps to optimize the individual’s health and increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

In this blog, you will learn about five tests that are necessary to take while pre-pregnancy. You will learn about their importance and how they contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Also, you will get insights into when and why couples should consider undergoing pre-pregnancy testing so that they can make informed decisions on their journey to parenthood. 

5 Tests You Should Consider Before Conceiving 

Here are the tests that are essential for you to consider to ensure your reproductive health and ability to conceive.

  1. Blood Type and Rh Factor Testing

You need to understand your blood type and Rh factor for a healthy pregnancy. Blood type testing determines whether you have type A, B, AB, or O blood, whereas the Rh factor determines whether your blood is Rh-positive or Rh-negative. Here is why these tests are important for you to consider:

  • Blood type and Rh factor help doctors to identify potential complications during pregnancy. 
  • Your blood type will also help in blood transfusion and ensure compatibility with donated blood.
  • Rh factor testing is important for Rh-negative patients as they may develop antibodies against Rh-positive blood, leading to complications in future pregnancies.
  1. Genetic Screening

Genetic screening is a critical aspect of pre-pregnancy testing that helps identify genetic disorders that could affect a couple’s offspring.  Here is why genetic screening is important:

  • Genetic screening allows couples to assess their risk of passing on inherited genetic disorders to their children before conception. 
  • Identifying risk beforehand enables couples to make informed decisions about family planning and explore other options.
  • By becoming aware of genetic disorders, couples can take necessary action to minimize the impact of genetic disorders on their future children.
  1. STD Testing

After the genetic screening, it is the STD test that you must consider before conceiving or planning a baby. It ensures a healthy pregnancy and protects the well-being of both the parents and the baby. Below are some points why STD testing is important. 

  • STD testing before conception helps identify and treat any infections that could potentially affect fertility or lead to any risk and complication during pregnancy. 
  • If any STD is detected, it can be promptly treated immediately. This will prevent the transmission of infection between the partners and reduce the risk of complications for both mother and baby.
  • STD testing allows couples to address any health concerns and take necessary actions and precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Before moving forward with the other two essential tests, you must know that these tests should be performed by specialists and skilled doctors so that they tell you exactly what you need to do. Search for high success rate IVF treatment in Lucknow so that you get the best consultation for you and your upcoming parenthood. 

  1. Rubella Immunity Test

Rubella, also known as German Measles, is a viral infection that can have serious consequences if contracted during pregnancy. Hence, it is important to ensure rubella immunity before pregnancy so that there is no risk to the health of the mother and the baby. Below are some of the reasons why rubella is essential and the risk of rubella during pregnancy:

  • Rubella immunity is essential to protect against the risk of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) if a woman becomes infected during pregnancy.
  • If CRS is not treated, then it can affect the baby. It can result in serious birth defects and developmental abnormalities in the baby, including deafness, blindness, heart defects, and intellectual disabilities.
  • Rubella immunity prevents the virus from affecting the fetus and reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy. 

     Risk of Rubella During Pregnancy

  •  Rubella can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or severe birth defects in the baby.
  • The first three months of pregnancy are critical because, this time, rubella infection carries the highest risk of complication for a developing fetus.
  1. Thyroid Function Testing

Thyroid function testing also plays a very important role in pre-pregnancy health because it assesses the functioning of the thyroid gland, a crucial regulator of various bodily functions, including metabolism, energy production, hormone balance, etc. Below are some of the reasons why thyroid function testing is important and how it can affect fertility and pregnancy.

  • Thyroid hormone plays a vital role in regulating menstrual cycles and ovulation. Hence, thyroid function testing is essential so that fertility in women can be assessed.
  • Thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) can disturb reproductive function and affect fertility.
  • Thyroid dysfunction can increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and other pregnancy complexities; hence, maintaining optimal thyroid function before pregnancy is essential. 


In conclusion, it is essential to take preventive measures and all the tests before planning a baby. No one wants to face any risk or complications during the crucial stages of pregnancy, so why not be prepared from the beginning?

Valencia IVF is eager to be your guide from the start of your parenthood journey. Our team of the best fertility doctors in Lucknow will provide assistance and consultation until you connect with us. If you feel the same and are looking for a consultation and expertise, then you can directly connect to us! 

Also Read – How To Prevent Yourself from Infections During Pregnancy?

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Dr. Varada Arora is currently practicing as a Gynaecologist and Infertility Specialist in Valencia IVF Center. Valencia IVF Center is one of the premier Fertility Clinics located in Lucknow. It is just 12 kilometres away from Central railway station and bus terminal.